Awana offers a curriculum that reaches kids and their families with the gospel. This program has a proven and adaptable curriculum, that allows children to be disciplined so they can walk with Christ for life. The curriculum and programs at Faith Bible Church start from
pre-kindergarten through sixth grade.
Contact Brian and Stephanie Alvey, alveyfamily2022@gmail.com

Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5-year-olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word. In Awana Cubbies, kids learn basic truths about God, Jesus and salvation through fun handbooks, picture teaching cards and more. Cubbies has two years of curriculum: HoneyComb and Appleseed. These flexible lessons, awards, games and teaching plans come together to create a welcoming space for kids to learn and grow.
Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. Ignite kids’ curiosity and build a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.
The T&T (Truth & Training) curriculum teaches kids the truth of God's Word, and trains them to follow Him and practice His grace. Guide kids to a deeper understanding
of God’s grace.