Children's Ministry
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 ESV

Nursery & Pre-K/K
Join us Sundays at 9:00AM & 11:00AM
Birth - Kindergarten
We offer nursery, a 2&3's class (1st service only) and a Pre-K/K class for your little ones while you are in service. Babies and toddlers are provided a safe, loving environment and are cared for by our team of dedicated nursery workers. Our 2&3's class and Pre-K/K class provides the building blocks of faith and a basic awareness of God’s love for all people.
Sunday School - 1st-6th Grade
Join us Sundays at 9:00AM
In Sunday School, we build a strong, gospel-centered foundation while having fun. We do this by teaching about who God is and what He has done in the Bible. While attending Sunday School, children are part of a small class of same-age peers with a consistent leader each week. Children learn that God is wise, generous, loving, good and so much more. We partner with families in discipleship by creating fun environments, engaging curriculum, and helpful resources that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Children's Church - K.I.D.S. on a Mission
Join us Sundays at 11:00AM
Faith Bible Church is committed to supporting missionaries both at home and abroad. We also recognize that children should be exposed to a regular church service, though they sometimes find it difficult to sit through and learn in the traditional church setting. Our K.I.D.S. on a Mission children’s church offers our smallest brothers and sisters—grades 1 through 5—an opportunity to be exposed to both missions and a traditional church service that is appropriate to their learning and developmental levels.
Services include a time of worship through music, a bible message presented through various methods designed to accommodate different learning styles and to hold their attention, scripture memorization, object lessons, and missionary stories. The entire service “takes place” in a fictitious village located in the Seychelles Islands of Eastern Africa where puppet missionaries Markus and Faith Goldcrown are currently “stationed.” Here the children learn pertinent Bible lessons while also learning how to share their faith with others.
We believe at Faith Bible Church that children are important in the kingdom of God. When you serve with us, you have the privilege to introduce and help grow children’s faith and love in Jesus Christ. We value partnering with parents to disciple the next generation to know and follow Jesus.